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The Texas Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting – Oct 28-30, 2022 in Round Rock, TX

Come see us at the Texas Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting October 28-30th at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, Texas.

The Texas Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting is the premier educational conference for pain management physicians in Texas. Each year over 250 physicians attend this one-of-a-kind event.

Click here for Registration and Event Information!

10 states with the most new ASCs since 2020 — 2 states tied for No. 1 (Becker’s)

The number of ASCs is growing across the U.S. as patients and payers demand more outpatient surgery.

Five states have seen their ASC counts grow by at least 10 percent since 2020, according to CMS data compiled by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association. Texas and California lead the pack, each with 32 ASCs added since 2020.

Read the Article Here!

Unemployment rates in the 10 best states for physicians (Becker’s)

In Becker’s, Riz Hatton details the “10 Best States for Physicians”.

All the states in Medscape’s top 10 states for physicians to practice have unemployment rates under the national average except Texas, which has an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent.

Here are the top 10 states for physicians to practice along with their unemployment rate as of June:

1. Idaho: 2.5 percent

2. Georgia: 2.9 percent

3. South Dakota: 2.3 percent

4. Texas: 4.1 percent

5. Indiana: 2.4 percent

6. North Dakota: 2.5 percent

7. Nebraska: 1.9 percent

8. Oklahoma: 2.9 percent

9. Utah: 2 percent

10. Florida: 2.8 percen

11 things that attract patients to a new practice (Becker’s)

Interesting new article in Becker’s ASC from Claire Wallace, “11 things that attract patients to a new practice

Seventy-three percent of patients keep a “mental scorecard” on their likes and dislikes about their healthcare provider’s office, a new study from EHR company ModMed and OnePoll found.

The 2022 “ModMed Patient Experience Report” used a random survey, conducted between Feb. 2 and Feb. 4, of 2,000 participants to determine what is important to them in seeking out a practice.

The survey results, released July 28, revealed 11 things that are most important to patients:

Read the entire article here.